


Problem with password

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DynDNS is a good (and well-known) service for making hosts with dynamic IP-addresses available using a DNS-entry being updated frequently. I have been using this service for many years now and had my first problem. On this page, I will collect possible additional problems in the future, currently there is only one known issue.


Using "ddclient" for updating my hostname, I received an error on all my hosts:

FAILED:   updating <mydyndnshostname>: badauth: Bad authorization (username or password)

I was sure having the correct username and password, because I didn't change anything and still could log in to the website. I even could update the IP-address online. I started a request to DynDNS with this issue (Ticket number: #475073) with the simple solution to reset my password using the following link: https://www.dyndns.com/account/resetpass/ . I entered the same password as I currently had and the update using ddclient is working now.

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